

Best Selling author

NLP Master Coach,Master Hypnotherapist,Master Timeline Therapy (TM) Practitioner, Accredited No More Mr Nice Guy Coach under Dr Robert Glover. Fitness Instructor, Author of the best-selling Divorce: A Modern Mans Guide, Host of The Modern Man Podcast and Professional Public Speaker.

Fidel Beauhill

Fidel Beauhill, The Modern Man Coach, is a life and relationship coach.  He specialises in helping clients empower themselves by understand their masculine and feminine energies. 

He works with men who have been through divorce, breakups or mid-life crisis.& nbsp; In recent times, gender roles have become less defined and whilst this has come with many benefits, our relationships seem to be suffering because of it. Fidel believes the polarity between masculine and feminine is critical to starting and maintaining healthy relationships.

An NLP Master Coach, Master Hypnotherapist and Master Timeline Practitioner, Fidel has years of experience working with both men and women to find true self confidence and present their best selves to the world. A competitive boxer and a qualified fitness trainer, health and fitness are very important for Fidel, personally and also for his clients.An amicably divorced father of three daughters he has gained much of his understanding of women through watching them grow. Fidel is passionate about helping you reconnect with your highest self so that you support those that mean the most to you.